Review your ORA journey
Well Done! You have followed your personalised ORA plan which was carefully formulated for you by your doctor. You will have commenced your treatment journey and the results of following a medical grade, evidence-based skin plan can be seen in your skin health. You are ready to commence your Level 2 skin plan and to check in on your treatment plan. Skin Health is for life which is why we recommend follow up appointments. We recommend that clients schedule a skin review every 6 months at a minimum.
Follow Up Consultation
We generally recommend a repeat consultation at the end of a course of treatment or after 3 months of use of products. All clients should have a repeat consultation within 6 months. We have all been there with skincare routines. Things are great for a certain amount of time and then you feel a little lost and ask yourself ‘what next?’ The repeat consultation is the perfect opportunity to answer that question and to ensure that you are staying on the right path.
We charge €75 for a repeat consultation of which €25 is redeemable. Our repeat consultations are approximately 30 minutes.
Yes. We often carry out virtual consultations for our clients that live outside of Dublin or Ireland. You can book a virtual consultation via our booking platform. We do ask that you submit forms and make-up free photos in advance. If you are unsure of what to submit please email us hello@oraskinclinic.ie